Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back From Atlanta and Hitting the Ground Running!

The 2006 Romance Writers of America Conference was a fantastic experience. This was my 8th RWA conference and the big lesson I learned this time was, when in doubt about what your doing, head straight back to the basics. I reviewed my most recently completed book focusing on the basics, and was suddenly hit in the head with a figurative brick. So yesterday, I dove into rewriting that story, moving in a completely different (better) direction and the words just to flew and continued to today as well. Yea! I love it when that happens. Then today another fun thing happened. Snail-mail delivered a letter from the SouthWest Writers Workshop letting me know that one of my books, Dark Legacy was a finalist in their contest. Yee-Ha! Good news about ones writing endeavors is such a great motivator. Bye for now!